Friday, January 4, 2013

Love So Great

The other day a man came up to me and asks
What’s this girl’s name that has u tight up in the past?
I look at him and ask how you can tell?
He smile and said “son let me tell you about a love so great that makes Angels get their wings like when they hear a ring from a bell”
This poor guy had his heart broken by four girls who he care so much about
Each girl took a piece of his heart as they ripped it out
He slept during the day and cry out those cold lonely nights
He cried even harder when he thought of his soon be wife who die and was his love at first sight
He ask the lord to take him since he doesn't have a heart to go on
But he went day by day and the pain was never gone
Soon all this change when this ten years younger woman came into his life
But he was scare that she would leave and stab him with a pretty big knife
It took some time for them to realize
That he was meant for her and she was meant for him as they look at each other’s eyes
At this point his heart started to grow back
And till this day she hasn’t given him a heart attack
The man looked at me and said “son it was fate”
Then he said “I saw it in the way she looked at me that she was the one and if you feel that passion then you too can have a love so great”
I felted encourage and said thank you but as I was walking away I turn to him and said her name is “Amanda”
He smile at me and said her name is “Liliana”

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