Thursday, August 21, 2014

Life is Hard

she never love me enough to show me
but it's ok because I rather be lonely
the sun rise begins with my own family
and it ends when I close my eyes 

they say that change is always good 
but I'm afraid that this is misunderstood
the worst pain is loosing someone you love
but rest in peace since you take care of me from up above

I feel like I have no heart
and I don't know where it felt apart
I'm not the same person that I use to be
I have the key to get out and really be free

there's always that one love that you can never hold
the story that was never told
you can always change the world by changing your own life
remember being humble shows that you have pride

life is hard when you hit reality
but you can depend on your family
it's hard to remember the past that can never be
just look ahead of you and you will see

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